Thursday, 26th February, 2004 Error message of the week I've never had a "catastrophic" error before when trying to save a word document. It still saved my document ok, so whatever the problem was it can't have been all that catastrophic. --------------------------- Saturday, 14th February, 2004 I've added a compositions page, which includes all the compositions I've rung to peals. Here are quick links to the individual pages: Triples Triples and Major Major Caters Caters and Royal Royal Cinques Cinques and Maximus Maximus --------------------------- Monday, 9th February, 2004 You'd think the editors of the WH Smith GB Road Atlas would be a bit more careful about the where they place their gridlines: A bit unfortunate for the residents of Cuckoo's Nest. fuckoos_ne69 sounds like someone's hotmail address. I forgot to mention that this was noticed by Gail a few weeks ago on our way back from Chester. I'm not nearly observant enough to have noticed something like this myself. --------------------------- |